Grub Screw Type Prop Adapters




Prop adapters are required to mount a propeller either on an electric motor or gearbox shaft. The shafts are usually smooth, and there are two types of adpater: those attached with a grub screw, and those that use a collet type action to grab tightly onto the smooth shaft.

When using the grub screw variety, it is recommended that you grind two flats on the shaft of your motor or gearbox on which the grub screws can purchase. It is also recommended that you add a drop of Loctite to each grub screw as you secure it. I have found these to be very successful if you take these precautions.

Following are the sizes and prices of the grub screw type – the motor shaft size is specified, and the outside diameter of the prop adapter is as well.

Grub screw type prop adapters:
Part Number Fits motor shaft size OD size of adapter shaft Total length Length of free shaft Price
7124/07 2.3mm 6.0mm 24mm 18mm $11.00
7124/36 3.0mm 6.0mm 27mm 22mm $11.00
7124/38 3.0mm 8.0mm 22mm 16mm $11.00
7124/03 3.2mm 6.0mm 27mm 22mm $11.00
7124/08 3.2mm 8.0mm 28mm 22mm $11.00
7124/11 4.0mm 8.0mm 28mm 22mm $11.50
7124/09 5.0mm 8.0mm 28mm 22mm $11.50
7124/12 6.0mm 8.0mm 28mm 24mm $11.50

Additional information

Motor Shaft mm/OD mm

2.3/6.0, 3.0/6.0, 3.0/8.0, 3.2/6.0, 3.2/8.0, 4.0/8.0, 5.0/8.0, 6.0/8.0